
Saturday, 23 February 2013

Rimmel Wake Me UP Foundation+Concealer

Oh, what a beautiful time to be a girl when you own such products as these!
I didn't realllllly know what to expect when I purchased these little twinies! I knew I wanted to buy the foundation as I had heard Zoella talking about how great she found it (always a trusting Zoella fan)
Check out her channel by the way!

But when I went to buy it I noticed in the side bar a nice matching concealer- always love a good last minute buy those cheeky marketing experts showing us things we NEED at the last minute when we absolutely cannot say no!
So, down to business! 

LOVE! Amazing coverage, lights up my skin in the mornings highlights my cheek bones without the need for any highlighter! It really does 'wake you up' fancy that, aye?
As for how long it actually stayed on my face I've been doing my make up at about 10/11 ish in the morning and removing my make up at 8pm and I still have a full face of make up!
It also smells really nice too so I must agree with Zoe there!
I've been applying it with a foundation brush and literally half a pea size on my hand is covering my face up nicely it covers my face but doesn't look like I'm wearing much make up ALL AT THE SAME TIME!

Clever Rimmel!

I'm not completely sold on this concealer yet! I may stick with my Maybelline but of course I'm going to continue using this for the next couple of weeks see what happens, how I get on with it!
I didn't find the coverage to be amazing, after a couple of hours the hideous bags under my eyes had started to rear their ugly head and I was powdering up!
The coverage issues may just be because under my eyes they are really bluey and horrible at the moment because it's not THAT bad at coverage small spot blemishes!

All in all this was a good purchase ESPECIALLY the foundation which is my new favourite!

Goodbye dream matte mousse after about 4 years, we MAY meet again!

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