
Sunday, 24 February 2013

CHATTER POST- Late Night Nipples

Here is something a little bit different and new, I hope you can deal with change because this is a slight change. 
Sometimes I just want to blog about 'normal' things, random things I'm thinking about at the time, things that are too long to tweet!

When that time comes around I shall be writing these 'chatter posts' I shall warn you in the title so if you're only into the beauty thing then you can just scroll on past. 
The chatter posts will also be in this funky new colour so you do not get confused ;)
New font too, how considerate of me, sorry I am not smart enough to put beauty and chatter on two different pages yet- I've been reading into it but no such luck as of yet so please let me know if you can teach me!

ANYWAY, It is 01:44am on Monday morning and I am expected to be awake at 7:30 to go and spend a grueling 3 odd hours at the gym, which I love but I can never get to sleep if I'm sleeping alone, and I am, of course alone, for the first time in a while which really sucks, I cannot get relaxed and don't know where my sleep balm is because I haven't properly unpacked yet!
I feel like there is a lot of things blobbing around in my head, I'm strangely thinking a lot about skirts, I don't know if any other females do this but I get this idea in my head sometimes that one item of clothing is going to be my 'statement' piece and I spend hours thinking about it, what I could wear it with what shape I could pull off etc
I always end up with the same outcome, 
I could NOT wear that in public, people would judge me.

I literally wear the same thing everyday, not the same clothes exactly, clean ones but exactly the same style, I will always be wearing black leggings and a baggy jumper or black leggings and a sheer blouse.

How utterly boring, one of my new years resolutions was/is to spice up my style. I want to broaden my horizons I look at what other girls are wearing and I'm like YES! I want to wear that!
Then I don't end up buying it because I spend the money on stupid things I don't need like yet more jumpers or yet more camisoles.

What an exciting life my wardrobe leads!

Completely changing subject now Anne Hathaway has always got her erect nipples on show through dresses. which I have just noticed at the Oscars, and I'm not even watching it!

I feel tired now that I've fired up my laptop and opened my tabs and started to write. Typical, bet you £30 I shut my laptop down tuck myself into bed and I'm wide awake still.

I bet you £30 exactly because I want to get my tattoo done tomorrow and I don't get paid until Tuesday so I figured I'd just ask....

Think I just figured out where my balm is, going to check then listen to my Alice In Wonderland Audiobook.

I'm an eccentric chum.

Goodnight, Kisses. 

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