
Friday, 15 February 2013

Chanel Coco Mademoiselle

Sticking with the smellies theme I recently had a smell of the Chanel Coco Mademoiselle perfume in boots and absolutely fell in love!
UNFORTUNATELY, It is well up there in price ranging between 60 and 80 pounds!
I never buy my own perfumes I always get them for Christmas or Birthdays (I'm always sure to ask because I know I will NEED)
I'm one of those people that wear perfume everyday, now I didn't know that was un common until recently when I realised people apparently save perfumes for (Special occasions) I just have types of perfumes that are for everyday and hen some perfumes that I use everyday!

For example: I own 5 different perfumes at the moment!

1) Britney Spears Fantasy!
like most girls I know at the end of school/first year of college I went through a stage of loving this perfume (especially when I found out Jessie J wore it) I kept re-purchasing it until I fell in love with Armani. I am now on the last dregs but I can't bring myself to throw it away, one because the bottle is so pretty and 2 because some days I spritz it on and it takes me back to when I was a bit younger. (cheese) It's quite a heavy scent and it lasts all day and night! Which is a pro and a con to me because it does suffocate me for at least the first hour!
here's a little boots link for you!

2) Paul Smith Floral!
This is my everyday perfume for the most part, it is only about 10 or 11 pounds and I absolutely love it! It has a really sweet smell like candy and even though it's called 'Floral' it's not a really flowery scent like some perfumes. It's sweet and light and a small bottle easily popped in your bag for a day/night out!
Unfortunately, for some reason I could not find a boots link to this perfume I did however find a 'The Perfume Shop' link where it is £25, and to be honest I WOULD pay that for it!

3) Armani Code
Mmmmmmmmmmm! My step mum wears this perfume as well as my next perfume and that's where I originally fell in love with it, me and my sister used to sneak into the bathroom and have a little spray and then wait in her bedroom for a bit then go downstairs in the hope mum wouldn't smell it. (She always did and we always had a laugh about it) I wear this more when I'm off out for the evening or for a meal or something, it's my 'going out perfume' Unfortunately, I am coming to the end of this bottle but before I re purchase I'm going to go on a boots smelly stick rampage to see if there are any hidden smelly gems out there, if I don't love anything as much as I love this then I shall re-buy this one!
It stays on really well people always comment on it when I'm wearing it I get the classic 'mmm you smell nice, what's that?'

Oh, my natural scent ;)

Here's a little boots link for you £40

4) LancĂ´me Hypnose
Once again a yummy evening perfume it's a little bit heavy for the day time I find but sometimes you can get away with it, I normally wear it in the winter time, it tends to warm me up a bit, as weird as that sounds and this is going to be really strange but I sprayed this on myself once and went about with my day blah blah, it was winter, then about 2 weeks later I got the same scarf out to wear and the perfume was still on it and it smelt amazing because it had settled and just been sat alone to soak and it was honestly a lovely moment where i just stood in my bedroom sniffing my lovely scarf (strange, little bit TMI)

So, there are my 5 perfumes I own at the moment!
Although I am slightly more obsessed with Chanel at the moment so wearing it whenever I go out the house!
I'm sure this phase will pass though and I will fall back on my trusty Paul Smith!

I hope you have liked this post, let me know if you have any questions about the perfumes before you buy them and I'll try my best to answer! If you do purchase any of them please let me know what you think!!

I love to be of help ;)


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