
Sunday, 24 February 2013

CHATTER POST- Late Night Nipples

Here is something a little bit different and new, I hope you can deal with change because this is a slight change. 
Sometimes I just want to blog about 'normal' things, random things I'm thinking about at the time, things that are too long to tweet!

When that time comes around I shall be writing these 'chatter posts' I shall warn you in the title so if you're only into the beauty thing then you can just scroll on past. 
The chatter posts will also be in this funky new colour so you do not get confused ;)
New font too, how considerate of me, sorry I am not smart enough to put beauty and chatter on two different pages yet- I've been reading into it but no such luck as of yet so please let me know if you can teach me!

ANYWAY, It is 01:44am on Monday morning and I am expected to be awake at 7:30 to go and spend a grueling 3 odd hours at the gym, which I love but I can never get to sleep if I'm sleeping alone, and I am, of course alone, for the first time in a while which really sucks, I cannot get relaxed and don't know where my sleep balm is because I haven't properly unpacked yet!
I feel like there is a lot of things blobbing around in my head, I'm strangely thinking a lot about skirts, I don't know if any other females do this but I get this idea in my head sometimes that one item of clothing is going to be my 'statement' piece and I spend hours thinking about it, what I could wear it with what shape I could pull off etc
I always end up with the same outcome, 
I could NOT wear that in public, people would judge me.

I literally wear the same thing everyday, not the same clothes exactly, clean ones but exactly the same style, I will always be wearing black leggings and a baggy jumper or black leggings and a sheer blouse.

How utterly boring, one of my new years resolutions was/is to spice up my style. I want to broaden my horizons I look at what other girls are wearing and I'm like YES! I want to wear that!
Then I don't end up buying it because I spend the money on stupid things I don't need like yet more jumpers or yet more camisoles.

What an exciting life my wardrobe leads!

Completely changing subject now Anne Hathaway has always got her erect nipples on show through dresses. which I have just noticed at the Oscars, and I'm not even watching it!

I feel tired now that I've fired up my laptop and opened my tabs and started to write. Typical, bet you £30 I shut my laptop down tuck myself into bed and I'm wide awake still.

I bet you £30 exactly because I want to get my tattoo done tomorrow and I don't get paid until Tuesday so I figured I'd just ask....

Think I just figured out where my balm is, going to check then listen to my Alice In Wonderland Audiobook.

I'm an eccentric chum.

Goodnight, Kisses. 

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Rimmel Wake Me UP Foundation+Concealer

Oh, what a beautiful time to be a girl when you own such products as these!
I didn't realllllly know what to expect when I purchased these little twinies! I knew I wanted to buy the foundation as I had heard Zoella talking about how great she found it (always a trusting Zoella fan)
Check out her channel by the way!

But when I went to buy it I noticed in the side bar a nice matching concealer- always love a good last minute buy those cheeky marketing experts showing us things we NEED at the last minute when we absolutely cannot say no!
So, down to business! 

LOVE! Amazing coverage, lights up my skin in the mornings highlights my cheek bones without the need for any highlighter! It really does 'wake you up' fancy that, aye?
As for how long it actually stayed on my face I've been doing my make up at about 10/11 ish in the morning and removing my make up at 8pm and I still have a full face of make up!
It also smells really nice too so I must agree with Zoe there!
I've been applying it with a foundation brush and literally half a pea size on my hand is covering my face up nicely it covers my face but doesn't look like I'm wearing much make up ALL AT THE SAME TIME!

Clever Rimmel!

I'm not completely sold on this concealer yet! I may stick with my Maybelline but of course I'm going to continue using this for the next couple of weeks see what happens, how I get on with it!
I didn't find the coverage to be amazing, after a couple of hours the hideous bags under my eyes had started to rear their ugly head and I was powdering up!
The coverage issues may just be because under my eyes they are really bluey and horrible at the moment because it's not THAT bad at coverage small spot blemishes!

All in all this was a good purchase ESPECIALLY the foundation which is my new favourite!

Goodbye dream matte mousse after about 4 years, we MAY meet again!

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine Nail Paint

Just received this Barry M nail polish in the post and had to apply it straight away (excuse the face that I haven't given myself a proper manicure since I ripped my acrylics off *naughty*) 
It's in the shade 'Prickly Pear' and it just so happens to be exactly the same colour as my converses! 

I'm really into pastel nail colours and this is a really nice shade of pastel purple but with vibrant under tones. I'm in love when I have the chance the give myself a proper manicure and sort my disgusting nails out I shall be apply this continuously! 

I really want to buy more of these Barry M colours so if anyone knows of any that are rally nice give me a message and let me know- include pictures if you can because the colour always looks different online!

PROS: The colour is lush!
I could of survived with just one coat, it gave enough colour! (But I applied 2)
Dried pretty quickly
Wasen't tacky

Will update you soon on how well it stays on and all that Jazz!

Sunday, 17 February 2013

YouTube Beauty Tag

1. Would you rather go out with messy hair and nice make-up, or nice hair and no make-up?

I think I'd rather go out with messy hair and nice make-up because you can work messy hair to your advantage!

2. Would you rather shave your eyebrows or have your eyelashes fall out?

Definitely rather my eyelashes fall out! FALSIES! You can have completely drawn on eyebrows and look half normal!

3. Would you rather be forced to shop at only MAC or Sephora for the rest of your life?

Oh god, this is a hard decision- I prefer MAC to Sephora but I would honestly hate to not be able to go to boots and experiment with different brands, but yeah, MAC.

4. Would you rather wear the lipliner/ lipgloss look or an 80's perm?

Definitely lipliner lip gloss look because there is such thing as blending and you really can't blend out an 80's perm!

5.Would you rather leave the house with an obvious foundation line or overdone blush?

Ew, would prefer a foundation line I think because I can't stand over done blush, I went there when I was a dancer and loved it then, obviously, because everyone was like that! But I'm always stood around like 'ewwww look at that foundation line' THIS IS HARD!

6. Would you rather wear MC Hammer pants or biker shorts in public?

MC Hammer shorts for definitely, literally zero chance of a camel toe ;)

7. Would you rather have a bad orange-y fake tan or obvious tan lines you can't cover?

Hideous decision! I think tan lines!

8. Would you rather have bad hair cut or bad hair colour?

Bad hair colour, that can be rectified easily, hair takes ages to grow!

9. Would you rather have YouTube or Twitter taken away forever?

Definitely Twitter!

10. Would you rather give up make up brushes or mascara?

It depends can I still use sponges? I could just use sponge for my foundation and fingers for the rest!!

Friday, 15 February 2013

30 Question Tag

1. Do you have any pets?
Yes, I have a cat and a fish.
Tigger and Chip.

2. What colour top are you wearing? Green.
3. Name 3 physical things that are near you. 
My boyfriend playing on the PS3, The Mac I am typing on and my empty cup that had a lovely coffee in it.
4. What is the weather like right now?
It was really bright and sunny but rather chilly it's now quite grey and miserable.
5. Have you ever had a crash? Yes, a couple actually. 
6. What time do you normally wake up?
Hmm, I'm pretty lazy I wake up around 9-10 unless I have work to do!
7. When did you last shower? Last night.
8. How did your parents pick your name? No idea, my mum picked it and she won't reply! :( My nana said it was because my mum always liked the name Charlotte/Charlie and my dad chose Louise.
9.What does your last text say? 'Your mum picked it babe ly xxx' from my dad after I asked him how he picked my name haha!
10. What is your ringtone? I don't have one as I always have my iPhone on vibrate, I'll just check what it would be- 'Marimba' scary.
11. Have you ever been to a different country? Yeeeessss.
12. Do you like Sushi? Yep!
13. Where do you do your food shop? Normally in asda!
14. Have you ever taken medication to sleep? I have done yes I had to for a period of time but it made me really spaced out 24/7.
15. Do you have any siblings? Yes, I have 6- Alisha, India-Leigh, Felicity, Kyle, Mollie and Linden. They are all half siblings though, but I see them as full!
16. Laptop or Desktop? Laptop!
17. How old will you be on your next birthday? It's very soon- 19!
18. What was the last movie you saw? 
Well, last night Corey and I watched Yes Man at home but Wednesday we went to watch 'Warm Bodies' at the cinema!
19. Do you wear contacts or glasses? I wear glasses when I need/want to!
20. Do you colour your hair? I do I'm a bit of a freak with that, changing my hair colour quite a lot, blonde, ash, brown, purple, brown with blonde ends (ombre) brown with purple, blonde with pink... All that crazy stuff- I'm dark blonde at the moment!
21. Tell me something you're planning to do today? Well I went for a little walk down round by the castle and Corey wants to go out for dinner! 
22. When did you last cry? A couple of days ago, it was just a little sob.
23. What is your full name? Charlie Louise Gray-Harvey
a lot of people believe my name is Charlotte but it's not!! It was when I was born but I was christened Charlie, sometimes when I'm in trouble my mum does whop that out though 'Charlotte Louise!!' Glad I don't live with her anymore ;)
24. Perfect pizza topping? I'm lactose intolerant but still eat cheese sometimes :| sooo, BBQ sauce instead of tomato, cheese, pepperoni, sweetcorn, bitta chicken pieces!
25. Favourite comedian? Rob Brydon, Peter Kay and Michael Mcintyre. Oh and Russell Howard!
26. Favourite Radio Station? I don't really listen to the radio but if I do it's Capital FM.
27. Cheeseburger or Hamburger? CHEESEburger
28. Have you ever pulled an all nighter? Yes, the most memorable one being the night of my prom. My friend and I turnt up back at her house about 7am..
29. What is your eye colour? Bluuuuue.
30. Pepsi or Coke? Diet Pepsi!

Avon Sleeptherapy Balm


I've had a lot of problems with sleeping for well over a year now due to medications and what have you, I've tried a million and one things to make me drift off and the one thing I've found that helps is to just... relax.
Very simple you may think but when you have a lot on your mind or you're in pain it's not easy to unwind, also I don't have a bath at my house and that always helps me relax but we had it converted into a wet room *SOB*

My mum recently started doing Avon on the side and as I was having a look through one of the books I came across this sleeptherapy section, I purchased the balm and to be honest I did not think it would do anything, I'm not a big believer in balms and creams and sprays etc, until now!

I brought this for £1.50 and the fact that it works amazes me for so little!
I apply a small amount to my temples AND wrists, I really massage it in, and then jump into bed with some warm ribena or something. I don't know if it's the smell or the warming sensation it gives me but it really does help me to relax!
I would recommend buying this, because even if it doesn't work for you, it may work for a friend and at only £1.50 you can't go wrong really!

If you have a friend who does Avon get this from them (to help them with sales and what not)
But if not here's a link to it on the avon website!

ASDA Protect Facial Wash & Mask

It's no secret that I'm a massive face mask fan I'm forever sitting in my room with some candles lit and a face mask on! I've always spent about £20 on my face masks because I obviously want them to be good quality and I don't want to suddenly break out in spots!

HOWEVER, that has allll changed now that I found this!
I was shopping in asda with my sister we were having a sleepover and I had no face masks left so we were looking for a quick little summin summin and we came along this clay, dual action mask and wash!

It's an absolute BARGAIN at £2.25 and it is frequently on sale too for only £1.50!
It smells amazing, feels really cooling on your skin and isn't all clumpy and sticky either! I can't say I've used it as a wash but I use it as a mask ALL. THE. TIME. Literally like twice a week!
I'd recommend moisturising afterwards as it does leave your skin feeling like it needs a good drink, it's not particularly hydrating! But it does leave your skin feeling smooth as a baby's bottom and it helps bring black heads out too! 
I'll be posting pictures of me on Instagram all the time with this face mask on... Oh, and the boyfriend too ;)

Who would of thought you could find a great face products in ASDA?
Pop it in the trolley next time you're doing your weekly shop!

Chanel Coco Mademoiselle

Sticking with the smellies theme I recently had a smell of the Chanel Coco Mademoiselle perfume in boots and absolutely fell in love!
UNFORTUNATELY, It is well up there in price ranging between 60 and 80 pounds!
I never buy my own perfumes I always get them for Christmas or Birthdays (I'm always sure to ask because I know I will NEED)
I'm one of those people that wear perfume everyday, now I didn't know that was un common until recently when I realised people apparently save perfumes for (Special occasions) I just have types of perfumes that are for everyday and hen some perfumes that I use everyday!

For example: I own 5 different perfumes at the moment!

1) Britney Spears Fantasy!
like most girls I know at the end of school/first year of college I went through a stage of loving this perfume (especially when I found out Jessie J wore it) I kept re-purchasing it until I fell in love with Armani. I am now on the last dregs but I can't bring myself to throw it away, one because the bottle is so pretty and 2 because some days I spritz it on and it takes me back to when I was a bit younger. (cheese) It's quite a heavy scent and it lasts all day and night! Which is a pro and a con to me because it does suffocate me for at least the first hour!
here's a little boots link for you!

2) Paul Smith Floral!
This is my everyday perfume for the most part, it is only about 10 or 11 pounds and I absolutely love it! It has a really sweet smell like candy and even though it's called 'Floral' it's not a really flowery scent like some perfumes. It's sweet and light and a small bottle easily popped in your bag for a day/night out!
Unfortunately, for some reason I could not find a boots link to this perfume I did however find a 'The Perfume Shop' link where it is £25, and to be honest I WOULD pay that for it!

3) Armani Code
Mmmmmmmmmmm! My step mum wears this perfume as well as my next perfume and that's where I originally fell in love with it, me and my sister used to sneak into the bathroom and have a little spray and then wait in her bedroom for a bit then go downstairs in the hope mum wouldn't smell it. (She always did and we always had a laugh about it) I wear this more when I'm off out for the evening or for a meal or something, it's my 'going out perfume' Unfortunately, I am coming to the end of this bottle but before I re purchase I'm going to go on a boots smelly stick rampage to see if there are any hidden smelly gems out there, if I don't love anything as much as I love this then I shall re-buy this one!
It stays on really well people always comment on it when I'm wearing it I get the classic 'mmm you smell nice, what's that?'

Oh, my natural scent ;)

Here's a little boots link for you £40

4) LancĂ´me Hypnose
Once again a yummy evening perfume it's a little bit heavy for the day time I find but sometimes you can get away with it, I normally wear it in the winter time, it tends to warm me up a bit, as weird as that sounds and this is going to be really strange but I sprayed this on myself once and went about with my day blah blah, it was winter, then about 2 weeks later I got the same scarf out to wear and the perfume was still on it and it smelt amazing because it had settled and just been sat alone to soak and it was honestly a lovely moment where i just stood in my bedroom sniffing my lovely scarf (strange, little bit TMI)

So, there are my 5 perfumes I own at the moment!
Although I am slightly more obsessed with Chanel at the moment so wearing it whenever I go out the house!
I'm sure this phase will pass though and I will fall back on my trusty Paul Smith!

I hope you have liked this post, let me know if you have any questions about the perfumes before you buy them and I'll try my best to answer! If you do purchase any of them please let me know what you think!!

I love to be of help ;)


MENS: Black XS

Now for something a little bit different as it's just been valentines day and a lot of you struggle for what to buy your better half!
My boyfriend has always used Abercrombie and Fitch's 'Fierce' and since I've known him it's been his signature scent, however, since starting university he can't afford to spend over £80 on smellies!

SO! Last year I went to boots and had a little sniff of all the men smells and did get a bit light headed (hehe) I settled on Black XS which I was familiar with before but never really thought about it as he was so set on fierce, So next time I was with him I thrust a smelly boots stick in his face and asked if he liked it!

So that was one of his birthday presents sorted ;)
My grandparents then re purchased it for him this Christmas!
I personally wouldn't see this as a 'downgrade' aftershave/cologne but as it is a fraction of the price of his previous smell that is an added bonus!

PROS: it smells great!
It lasts all day!
The bottle is nice 
It has a fancy flip top
It's good value for money

CONS: (From Corey)
'It only comes in quite small bottles'
(little does he know there is a larger bottle-oops!)

Here's a link to the 100ml bottle (large one)
It's £47 from Boots!


MAC Lipstick Vegas Volt

Oh I've been naughty, I haven't been blogging very much!
I did however receive a lovely email asking if i could try and find a long lasting, moisturising coral lipstick or if I knew of any already!

I have struck gold with this MAC lipstick in shade: Vegas Volt!
I wore this lip colour for Valentines Day dinner with minimal make up elsewhere as it is quite a bright colour but I absolutely love it! 
It has quickly become my must have everyday lipstick as i like to not have heavy eye make up unless i'm going to have a nude lip! 

I've not actually been wearing make up for the past week (until wednesday when Corey and I went into town for some shopping, more on that later) and it's felt rather nice! Just using some moisturiser, which by the way is another product I am trying to review at the moment-

It's the Nivea Daily Essentials Day Cream- I saw this advertised on the television and thought it could be quite nice, I've been using it for just over a month now so I can probably give you my pros and cons!

PROS: It has a lovely scent.
It leaves my face feeling rather soft.
It has helped with my dry skin areas (around my nose)
CONS: It is quite a heavy cream
Applying foundation afterwards tends to make it streaky :( 

Overall I've found it to be quite nice as I learnt not to apply my foundation immediately afterwards, I have started to now apply this then do my hair clean my teeth etc THEN do my make up by then it's soaked right into my skin and I'm ready to GO GO GO!

I think that's all for today beauties I need to catch up on EastEnders! I will grab together some of the products I've been using lately and do a mass reviewing as I have been very naughty lately and haven't been blogging at all!

I need to learn how to get different tabs on my blog so that I can do beauty reviews here and then daily life blogs on another tab... Because some of you like them and some of you don't.

Also, I got a tweet from Jessica_001 about not being able to subscribe because you don't blog and I'd like to say DO NOT WORRY! The numbers I look at are my views and I like that there is just a few of you at the moment but I'm going to work on getting my blog out there soon! 

If you haven't already take a look at:

I'm in love with this blog and Louise's YouTube channel!

You should take a look!